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We've finally come to the meatier part of our course on UX writing for localization experts! In this chapter, we will delve into the nitty-gritty of writing good UX copy. We will cover some valuable tips that will be useful as you create microcopy in your language.

But before we get started, let's first make a disclaimer:

Most UX writing courses teach you considerations and tips for writing UX copy from scratch. In the real world, UX writers often don't always have source copy to work off of. Sometimes they get mockup copy or instructions on what needs to be on a certain screen. At other times, you may get Lorem ipsum copy, which is fake placeholder text.

UX writers are left with making a lot of heavy decisions. They decide where to place copy on the screen, how long it will be, and even what tone and voice to use. A lot of responsibility falls on their shoulders.

But this course is for localization experts, not UX writers. As localizers, we have it easy in many ways. We get a lot of information from the product team, and we do not have to decide about the layout or the general voice of the brand. Plus, writers and designers make a lot of functionality decisions for us.

Our point of view when looking at a screen or a user flow is different from that of the UX writer. We are free from dealing with these heavy layout or functionality decisions, but we have high-stakes decisions of our own to make. Because we need to find creative ways to recreate the source copy so that it feels natural and fluent in your language.

And even though our work is different than that of the writers, a lot of the key principles that guide UX writers when they create microcopy should guide us too. Good writing practices are important for any type of writer, no matter the language. They are especially important for those creating copy for user experiences.

In this chapter, we will talk about the key principles that you always need to apply to write great microcopy in any language. Keep these principles in mind when you write and when you check your copy after. They will help you make sure that the copy you write checks all the boxes:

• Helps users achieve the things they set out to do on the product

• Makes the product clear and easy to use

• Fulfills the product's goals in your target market

• Reinforces the company's brand values and positioning

• Supports the general usability and accessibility of the product

We will discuss three core principles of Good Writing that can help us achieve these goals: Simplicity, Clarity, and Fluency. Let's dive in and see what each of these principles means and how they can help us write great UX copy for localization.


Writing copy that is simple yet effective is not an easy task. It involves taking complex concepts and simplifying them in a way that can be easily understood by anyone. The goal is to ensure that users can effortlessly navigate an application, without being bogged down by complicated jargon or phrasing.

But, how do you write simply? "Write simply" is a great rule, but it's not very useful by itself. Let's break it down into practical tips you can actually use in your copy.

Tip 1: Defer to your users' proficiency level

A popular rule of thumb used a lot in UX writing is to write at an 8th-grade reading level. This ensures that the copy is understandable for anyone above the age of 13, regardless of their educational background or expertise. However, this rule is not absolute as the simplicity level required can vary significantly based on the intended audience.

For example, if you are creating an investment application for bankers and brokers, then you can use more specialized and complex terms because they already have a high level of expertise in that area. But if you're creating an application for a diverse audience, it's probably best to keep the copy as simple as possible — to ensure that everyone can understand it. And if you're writing for people who need additional help, like young children or people with cognitive disabilities, you may want to take simplicity to the extreme, even if it means sacrificing voice or personality.

When you keep your copy simple, you're making it much more accessible, so almost anyone can benefit from it. Plus, simple copy is easier to read and understand. Remember how we said good microcopy is transparent? You don't want your readers to struggle to use your app. We want them to move through the experience smoothly.

So, keeping it simple is a smart way to maintain that balance of transparency. This way, our UX copy can give users the help they need without getting in their way.

Tip 2: Keep things short

When you're working with user interfaces, you have to keep in mind that there's only so much space to work with. If you add unnecessary copy, it'll just create clutter and make it harder for users to process information.

So, what can you do? Make every word count! If you can delete a word and it doesn't change the meaning of the sentence, then it's not needed. Only leave words that make a significant contribution to the experience.

For example, let's look at a real cookie message from a real website.

See how many words repeat themselves? They say "we also" several times and mention the word "cookies" twice - once in the header and once in the paragraph. Plus, they say cookies are used to improve the browsing experience and to make the website better, which is essentially the same thing.

So, what's the solution? Simplify! Shorten sentences and eliminate repetition. People have a hard time scanning long, complicated sentences. Make it easy for them to understand what you're trying to say.

Of course, there are some instances where you can't make significant changes to legal text. Even tiny changes can have big implications for the company later. So, if you're going to make changes to legal text, always run a thorough check with your product team to make sure they're okay with it.

Remember, while keeping things short is important, clarity is always more important. If there's an important concept that users need to understand, write it in detail. Don't leave it out just for the sake of keeping your copy short. Your users will thank you for it.

Tip 3: Skip the formalities

You can also keep your copy simple by avoiding unnecessary formalities. Of course, what's considered normal and acceptable in your language might vary. Some languages are extremely formal, while others are more casual. So, it's essential to understand the tone and style that's appropriate for your target audience.

To illustrate this point, let's take a look at an example from The company has a chatbot that provides customer service to users in different countries. The copy for the chatbot varies depending on the language and culture of the users.

For instance, let's compare the copy for Hebrew and Japanese users. The Hebrew copy reads,

On the other hand, the Japanese copy says,

You can see that the Japanese copy is more formal, with longer phrases and expressions, while the Hebrew copy is more emotional and straightforward. This example shows how you can say the same thing in different words to match the preference of each target market.

When it comes to minimizing formalities, one rule of thumb is to skip "please" when it's not necessary. While our moms may have taught us always to say "please," it can become repetitive in UX writing, making our microcopy longer without adding real value.

For instance, instead of writing:

you can simply write:

However, there are times when "please" can be helpful, such as when we need understanding and patience from our users. For example, when something goes wrong on our website or app, and users receive an error message, we want to be more gracious. In this case, adding "please" and an apology can help soften the blow. For instance, instead of just saying:

We can say,

Plus, remember that using "please" and other formalities may be more common in your language. Use your cultural expertise to determine what's the best choice for your localized copy.


As users, we all have very short attention spans. This is especially true when we're on the go or have other distractions competing for our attention. We simply can't focus on complicated concepts and sentences for very long. This is where clarity comes in.

The purpose of microcopy is to guide users through a flow, whether it's a simple action or a series of actions. However, if the copy is unclear, users will either make mistakes or lose patience and drop out. As a result, clarity is crucial in UX copy.

When is clarity most important?

When the flow is long or complex: If the user is only being asked to do something very simple, such as choosing between two options, the copy can be slightly more complex without causing too many issues. However, if the flow is longer and requires several steps, keeping the copy as clear as possible is essential.

When we ask for a big commitment: If we're asking the user for something significant, like personal information or money, clarity is even more crucial. The goal is to convince the user that they can trust the product and that it's worth their effort.

When we're writing for a lower-knowledge audience: This doesn't necessarily mean people who are less educated or have a lower IQ. It simply means that users may have less knowledge in the subject matter being written about. 
For example, if writing copy for a banking app, the language should be easy to understand for customers who may not have a lot of financial knowledge or expertise. On the other hand, if writing copy for software developers, who already have a lot of knowledge about the terminology and concepts, clarity is still important but not as essential as it is for other audiences.

In conclusion, clarity is the foundation of good UX writing. It ensures that users can easily navigate a flow, understand what's being asked of them, and trust the product they're using.

Tip 1: Don't be original

While originality is often a valuable trait, it's not always the best approach in UX writing. Usability is all about incorporating familiar patterns and making things as easy as possible for users.

When users encounter a predictable pattern, they're more likely to understand what's happening, without investing too much time and mental energy into figuring things out. This is why designers often use familiar shapes and patterns in their designs. For example, when you see a button, you know you're meant to click on it or tap it. It's a well-known and predictable pattern that users have seen countless times before.

Similarly, when it comes to microcopy, the goal is to keep things transparent and effortless. You want your users to understand what's going on without having to think too hard. This means building on well-known terms and phrases that most people can understand without too much effort.

For instance, several apps use the exact same phrasing for their notification buttons: "Turn on notifications." This way, users can easily scan the button and understand its purpose.

Another example is the use of "log in" on login screens. While you could get creative and use something different, it's best to stick with a well-known term that users will immediately recognize. This saves time and reduces frustration.

Of course, the patterns you use will depend on your target audience and language. What works in English may not be as effective in other languages. As a translator, you'll need to choose the best and most well-known terms for your context.

Note that there is an exception to this: There are times when you might want to interrupt a familiar pattern to make users stop and think. This is known as a "pattern interrupt." For example, Mailchimp uses an illustration and text to draw attention to their "Send campaign?" button. The text includes the number of subscribers, making users stop and think before they hit "Send."

Tip 2: Frontloading

One effective way to achieve clarity is by frontloading: keeping the most important information at the beginning and end of every line.

This is based on a UX principle called the Serial Position effect. It explains that people tend to remember information placed at the beginning or end of a line more than information in the middle. Therefore, writers should prioritize putting valuable tidbits at the start or end of the line to ensure users get the information they need.

While the end of a paragraph or component is usually reserved for a call to action (CTA), writers should put the most important bits at the start. But it can be tough to decide what the most important part is.

I suggest frontloading one of the following 5 options:

1. The action

A lot of microcopy lines start with an active verb, like "click", "log in", or "buy". By starting with the action, users immediately know what they're expected to do. This is especially important for users who are just quickly scanning the screen. They may not read everything in detail, but if they see a clear call to action, they'll know what they're supposed to do. Plus, It inspires users to take action and become active participants in the experience.

Take the example of the App Flo. When users land on the "Choose your plan" page, the title starts with the verb "Choose". This immediately communicates to users that they need to make a decision. It's clear and concise, and it gets the job done.

2. The benefit

Other times, we want to tell our users what they'll be getting by performing a certain action. That's called a benefit - the thing they will be benefitting from doing something. In that case, we'll want to frontload the benefit.

Let's take the example of SoundCloud. Their desktop app has a clear benefit: more tracks, fewer tabs. By communicating this benefit upfront, SoundCloud captures the user's attention and lets them know exactly what they're getting if they download the app. This way, even if users only read that title and skip the description text, they'll still know why it's worth it to them.

Another example is this newsletter signup form. The user is told upfront what action they need to take, which is to join the newsletter. Then, the benefit is communicated - weekly access to the best deals, tips, and tricks. By doing this, the user can quickly decide whether they want to sign up or not.

Focusing on benefits is a simple yet effective way to design user interfaces that encourage users to take the desired action. By communicating the benefits upfront, you can capture the user's attention and make it clear why they should take that action.

3. The intent

In other cases, writers may want to communicate intent. Intent tells the user what a specific component or link is intended to do, or who it's intended for.

Let's take this example from Slack.

They ask a question that immediately grabs the user's attention: "Wondering who can read your recent message?" By doing this, Slack is communicating the intent of the message - it's for users who are curious about their message's visibility. If the user is not interested in that information, they can easily skip it.Similarly, YouTube Premium communicates intent through a banner that appears for users of the free version of YouTube.

The banner states: "Wish videos kept playing when you closed the app?" By leading with this question, YouTube is targeting users who are frustrated with the current limitations of the free version. Those who are not interested can simply ignore the banner.

By communicating intent, writers can help users navigate interfaces more easily and efficiently. Users can quickly understand the purpose of each component and determine whether it's relevant to them or not. In a world where attention spans are short and distractions are plentiful, this is crucial.

4. The situation

Another important aspect UX writers can choose to frontload is the current situation. In other words, writers must explain what is happening now.

Let's take this example from eHarmony.

When you land on a 404 page, the first thing you see is "Uh Oh!" This communicates to the user that something went wrong and they are not where they intended to be. Then, eHarmony follows up with an explanation: "That page couldn't be found." This helps the user understand the situation and decide whether to keep reading or hit the back button and find the correct page.

On the other hand, when things go well, writers should also communicate that. In the example of Webflow's toast popup here:

The first thing you see is "Great job!" This immediately lets the user know they're on the right track and encourages them to keep going.

This popup is part of the onboarding process, meant to help users get started with Webflow and keep them on the platform. By investing more time in Webflow, users are more likely to stay, subscribe to a paid plan, and build their website there.

By communicating the current situation, writers can help users navigate interfaces more effectively. Users can quickly understand whether they're in the right place or not and whether they're on the right track or need to make a course correction. This is especially important when dealing with errors, as it can reduce frustration and help users get back on track more quickly.

5. The confirmation

The last piece of information you can choose to frontload in UX writing is the confirmation. This type of information is typically found at the end of a long user flow, like when a user places an order at a restaurant.

After spending a considerable amount of time choosing dishes, adding everything to their cart, and providing any special requests and dietary restrictions, users want to know that their order was received. That's why apps like Zomato provide confirmation screens like this one.

By providing confirmation, users can relax and wait for the app and restaurant staff to take care of the rest. This simple piece of information can go a long way in providing a positive user experience and instilling trust in the platform.

Remember: Frontloading is different in every language

When it comes to frontloading in UX writing, it's important to remember that each language has its own unique way of structuring sentences and conveying information. This means that when localizing content, you need to carefully consider what information to prioritize and how to structure your sentences accordingly.

For example, in some languages, it may be more natural to start with the benefit before the action. In other languages, the intent may need to be emphasized before the action. It's important to understand how users in different languages process information and what order of information will be most effective in your language.

Additionally, cultural differences may also impact how information is frontloaded. For example, in some cultures, it may be more appropriate to start with a greeting or a polite introduction before getting to the main point. In others, a more direct approach may be preferred.

In order to create effective localized content, it's important to work with your product team and understand what important information they want to highlight. By prioritizing the most important information and adapting your sentence structure accordingly, you can ensure that your localized content is clear, natural, and effective for your users.

Tip 3: Keep things consistent

One of the best things you can do to make sure your localized copy is clear and easy to understand is to keep things consistent. This means using the same words and terminology throughout the entire experience. By doing so, users don't have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what they're reading or whether you're talking about the same thing.

It's important to keep things consistent in all aspects of your copy. For example, let's take a look at Tinder.

They have a premium tier called "Tinder Gold". To make sure it makes sense across the entire app, you want to make sure it's always referred to as "Tinder Gold". However, different languages may have different words for "gold", so translators may decide to use "golden" instead. It's not ideal, but it happens.

Consistency is more important than being correct. Even if you don't like a specific term, changing it can damage the experience and confuse users. So if you're unsure, it's better to stick to consistency.

On top of the premium tier's name, there are other terms that need to stay consistent too, like "likes" and "matches". Using different words to describe them can confuse users and make them frustrated. They might even decide to use a different app altogether, which is definitely not what we want.

Maintaining consistency is easy when you're the first translator to touch the app's copy in your language. But what happens when you come in at a later stage? Tinder has been localizing its app for years through various translation agencies, so it's likely that someone has already chosen a translation for the main terms you'll see.

Luckily, there are tools and resources you can use to maintain consistency:

1. Glossaries

One of the first things you can do is check if there's a glossary available. This is especially true for large, established products like Tinder, but it applies to any other product as well.

If you're using a CAT tool, which is a translation tool that has a built-in glossary, you might be able to see these terms in the translation window. This can save you a lot of time because you won't have to go searching for the glossary file elsewhere.

But what if there's no built-in glossary? In that case, you might receive an Excel sheet or another type of glossary file to review. Take the time to review these documents and make sure the terms you're looking for are already set.

Having a glossary is essential for maintaining consistency in your translations. It ensures that everyone on the translation team is using the same terminology, which makes the translation process smoother and more efficient.

Plus, having a glossary means you won't have to worry about spending hours researching the correct terminology for each term. Instead, you can simply consult the glossary and move on to the actual translation work.

2. Translation memories

Another tool you can use to maintain consistency is the translation memory. It's like a database of all the translations that have been done before for a particular product.

So, let's say you're translating for Tinder and you come across a term like "gold". You can search the translation memory to see if anyone has already translated this term before. If they have, then you can use the same translation to maintain consistency across the app.

Translation memories are especially useful for long-term localization projects because they help ensure that the same terms are consistently translated every time. They also save time because you don't have to translate the same term over and over again.

If you're using a CAT tool, like we mentioned earlier, the translation memory will likely be built into the tool. So you can easily search for terms and see if they've been translated before.

But if you're not using a CAT tool, you might have to request access to the translation memory from the localization team. They might send you a file that you can search through to find the terms you need.

Remember, using the same translation for the same term is crucial for maintaining consistency in UX copy. And translation memories are a great way to ensure that consistency is maintained over time.

3. Product team communication

Even if you've exhausted all the tools available to you, there's still one more option: talking to the product team.

Explain to them that consistency is important to you and ask how certain terms were translated in previous jobs. They likely have a large file with all the product copy inside, so they can easily run a search and find any matching terminology. Alternatively, they can send you screenshots of the translated app so that you can see how and when the term shows up in the app now.

This is also something you can do on your own. Download the app in your target language and go through it to see how things are localized. This will help you get a sense of how consistent the translations are and whether there are any areas where you need to focus your efforts.

Remember, the product team is there to help you. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for their assistance when you need it. By working together, you can ensure that your UX copy is consistent and user-friendly.

What should you keep consistent?

Keeping consistent in translation goes beyond just translating specific terms or words. It also involves keeping consistency in section names, categories, and other important parts of the app or website.

For example, in this screen from PocketCasts, let's say the original copy references a section of the app as "Profile" but in the localized version it's called "Account," it's crucial to ensure that this change is made consistently throughout the entire translation.

Users will get confused and frustrated if they can't find what they're looking for, and it will lead to a poor user experience. So it's essential to make sure that section names and locations are consistent across all translations.

Luckily, this can be done easily by consulting the translation memory or by checking the localized version of the app or website.

Remember that consistency is key in providing a seamless user experience for customers, so always double-check and make sure that everything is consistent across all translations.

Consistency in structure, too

Consistency in structure and phrasing is another important aspect of localization that you should pay close attention to.

It's not just about using the same words to describe something. You also want to make sure that the structure of the line is consistent, following the same pattern in all similar items.

Why is this so important? For one, users have an easier time when they see patterns that are predictable. They know what to expect, and so they don't have to invest a lot of mental resources to understand what they're reading.

Consistent structure also makes the product feel more reliable and trustworthy, which has to do with predictability. Users won't be worried that something intimidating or scary or unclear will suddenly pop up.

For example, the onboarding flow in the meditation app Breethe phrases everything as a direct question. "What's your name?" "What are your top goals?" By using the same pattern, users don't have to work hard to make sense of what's going on.

In addition, Breethe's titles always speak directly to the user, using words like "your" and "you". This is another pattern you want to keep consistent.

Similarly, in the onboarding flow at Revolut, each screen has a short title with a noun, followed by a longer explanation phrased in a very straightforward way. This ensures that users get a very consistent experience.

So, when it comes to localization, don't just focus on consistent terminology. Keep consistency in structure and phrasing in mind too. It'll make a big difference in how users experience your product.


Fluency is a monster of a challenge when it comes to localizing copy. It's probably one of the toughest hurdles to jump over and yet, it's rarely talked about.

When you're working on anything, whether it's an ad, blog post, email, user guide, or even UX copy, you want it to sound as natural as possible. You want it to flow like it was written in that language, so much so that it feels like it was written by a native.

But when it comes to UX writing, fluency is crucial.

Tip 1: Be human

In Kinneret Yifrah's brilliant book "Microcopy: The complete guide", she talks about how we're taught to write and speak in two different languages or vernaculars.

The first is written language. It's formal, highfalutin, and sophisticated.

The second is spoken language. It's laidback, accessible, and common.

For ages, we've been expected to use written language for writing and spoken language for speaking. You could be chatty and relaxed when talking to someone in person, but when it came to writing them a letter, you'd get all stuffy and formal.

But things changed when we started communicating online. Suddenly, you were writing text that people would read immediately, like in emails or instant messages.

It felt weird to write like Shakespeare to someone who was right there at the other end of the text chain. And so, gradually, people began writing text that sounded like the spoken language. It was more casual, chatty, and familiar.

This practice was widely adopted in UX. Product teams wanted their users to have effortless interactions with their products. They didn't want the user experience to feel robotic or awkward. Instead, they wanted it to feel natural, enjoyable, and easy.

Take this error message for example. The way it's written now feels robotic and stilted:

Sure, it's an error message, but you still want your users to come out feeling like there's a human being behind that screen who cares about their experience. Not some soulless bot or program.

So instead of using formal written language, we're going to try using spoken, fluent language. Check it out:

Now, this error message feels much more friendly and approachable.

It's still an error, and the user still needs to do the same thing to fix it. But now they feel like they have a real person on the other end, looking out for them.

Fluent copy creates stronger connections

When you're talking with someone, you want the conversation to flow easily. You want to feel like you're connecting with the person across from you.

It's the same with copy in digital products. Your users aren't just interacting with a piece of software - they're engaging in a conversation with you. So you want to make that conversation as natural and comfortable as possible.

When you write UX copy, you're not just giving instructions - you're talking to your users, and they have the ability to talk back by clicking buttons or performing other actions.

If your copy is stiff, formal, and technical, it's like having a conversation with someone who's not really interested in what you have to say. It's not enjoyable, and your users are more likely to get frustrated and leave.

But when your copy is human and conversational, it's like you're sitting down with a friend. Your users feel more connected to your product, and they're more likely to stick around and use it long-term.

Don't over do it

Yes, you want your users to feel like they're having a conversation. But you also don't want to sacrifice proper grammar and syntax in the process.

There are little tweaks you can use without going too far. For example, using contractions like "you're" instead of "you are" and "it's" instead of "it is" can make your copy feel more natural and casual in English.

Of course, it's important to remember who your users are and what they expect from your product. If you're working on a financial app, for example, you may want to use more formal language to establish trust and reliability.

Ultimately, finding the right balance is key. You want to create copy that feels engaging and approachable, but not at the expense of clarity and professionalism.

So go ahead and inject some informality into your copy, but always keep your users' expectations and needs in mind. In our next lesson, we'll dive deeper into the nuances of voice and tone, too.

Tip 2: Write like you speak (but not really)

There's a popular rule in UX copy that you should "write like you speak." But is it really that simple?

Yes, saying your copy out loud can be a great way to get a feel for your copy. Imagine yourself having an actual conversation with your user, and speak your copy out loud to see how it sounds. If it feels stilted, you may need to make it more casual.

But, you don't want to literally write like you speak. When we speak, we tend to repeat ourselves, use filler words, and backtrack. That may sound natural in a conversation, but it won't work in UX copy. You want your copy to be concise and to the point.

Moreover, writing like you speak may not be feasible in every language. Some languages have a strict distinction between the spoken and written language.

For example, in Arabic, UX copy is usually written in Modern Standard Arabic, which is the formal, written variant of Arabic. People, however, speak various dialects depending on the region they're from. Writing like you speak in Arabic would require choosing one dialect and leaving out people who speak other dialects, or writing copy for each dialect separately, which is not practical.

Instead, aim for copy that is fluent, human, and natural, within the limitations of the language. Let's look at some examples to see how they create engaging copy that feels like a conversation.

In this instance, How We Feel asks the user a question, instead of telling them what to do.

This makes the experience more engaging and creates a relationship between the user and the app.Chase's copy is another excellent example.

The description title is easy to understand, and the copy that follows sounds like a person talking. It feels like Chase is having a conversation with you and telling you about something important.

Warby Parker combines all the elements we've mentioned.

They ask a question, and follow it up with casual and fluent copy. The conversational buttons "Yes, please" and "No thanks" complete the experience, making it friendly and delightful.

Writing UX copy that feels like a conversation is all about finding the right balance between being casual and professional. Remember, you don't want to write like you speak, but you do want to sound natural and engaging.

Tip 3: Avoid jargon

Jargon is like a secret language that only people in a certain industry understand. And if you use jargon in your copy, you risk alienating your audience. Think about it: If you're not a computer programmer, would you know what "front-end development" means? Probably not.

So, when you're writing copy, make sure to use clear and simple language that your audience will understand. Avoid using technical terms or industry jargon unless you're sure that your audience knows what you're talking about.

For example, let's say you're writing copy for an app that helps people invest in stocks and cryptocurrency.

You might be tempted to use terms like "market copyportfolios" or "P/E ratio" because they're commonly used in the industry. But if your audience doesn't know what those terms mean, they're not going to be very helpful.

Instead, use language that's easy to understand. For example, instead of "market copyportfolios," you could say "investment portfolios based on specific ideas or algorithms." And instead of "P/E ratio," you could say "a measure of how much investors are willing to pay for a company's earnings."

Remember those screens we talked about earlier? Let's take a closer look at them and spot the jargon that could be making the experience less user-friendly.

Did you catch it? The term "OTP" or "one-time password" might be throwing some users off. It's a crucial part of the 2-factor authentication process, where the app verifies your identity by first asking for your password, then a code sent to your email or phone.

Tech-savvy folks and app designers may know what OTP means, but many users won't. They're more likely to use simpler terms like "PIN code" or "number with 4 digits."

When crafting UX copy, try to use words your users are familiar with. For instance, replacing OTP with "4-digit code" and using "code" in the link can make the screen easier to understand. Small changes like these can significantly improve usability.

As a localizer, you can make a big impact here. In some languages, "OTP" might be the common term or "4-digit code" might not be clear enough. You have the freedom to adapt the copy to better suit your audience.

Even if you must use jargon, there are ways to improve the situation. Take this example from DocuSign.

The message "Speed up agreement completion times with delegated signings" and the CTA "Add delegate" are pretty confusing. What's a delegate? What are delegated signings?Now, compare it to this alternative:

Leading with a familiar concept and introducing jargon afterward makes everything much clearer.

So remember, even when dealing with technical terms, aim to make your UX copy as approachable as possible. As a localizer, you have the freedom to adapt the copy to better suit your audience, considering the common terms and phrases used in different languages. Embrace good writing practices to enhance usability and create a more enjoyable experience for your users.

Good writing

Chapter 3

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